10 Tips For Relationship Addictions by Jessica Bradbury

It may seem like a funny addiction, relationships, who could be addicted to relationships? Well the truth is, more people then you realize. There have been movies made about relationship addictions, think "Fatal Attraction," or "Crush." While they displayed a more extreme version of relationship addictions, none the less, it is a real addiction.

So how does a relationship addiction begin? Usually it happens when a person in the relationship believes that they can not live without the other person.

Yes, most people at one point or another have said that they are "so in love" with a person that they "can't live without them" and then the relationship ends and guess what, both people survive, are happy and move on.

A person that is addicted to relationships though is in love with the "appearance" of being in love. They most often have low self esteem, they only feel "whole" when they are with another person that loves them and they are afraid to be alone.

A person that has an addiction to relationships has very low self worth, and they are looking for a person that has a stronger character. They most likely take on traits or habits of their partner.

They are more likely to attach themselves to another person before they ever really get to know that person. If you would are concerned that you are addicted to relationships or are in a relationship with someone that is addicted to relationships, here are a number of questions to consider.

1. Do you become sexually involved with other people before getting to know them?

2. Do you become emotionally attached to other people before getting to know them.

3. Are you afraid of being abandoned or being a lone and this makes you stay in a painful, abusive or destructive relationship?

4. Do you get involved in multiple relationships emotionally and sexually?

5. Do you use controlling behaviors to keep your partner with your so they won't leave you?

6. Do you feel empty even while in a relationship so that you look for other love interest?

7. Do you use sex or emotional involvement to control your partner and get them to do what you want?

8. Do you obsess over the person your involved with or want to be involved with?

9. Do you put unrealistic qualities and characteristics on your mate, believing that they are going to save you from a life of loneliness?

If you have read through those questions and found yourself answering yes to those questions it may be time for you to talk to a professional about a possible relationship addiction.

Valuing yourself enough to be complete on your own will help you find and build a more satisfying relationship.

Article written by Jessica Bradbury, she has a site dedicated to information pertaining to addictions, including overcoming addictionsand a blog on addictive behaviors.